Wednesday 20 March 2013

29 Weeks

Over the past month of so I have had a lot of Braxton Hicks Contractions. I know that it's just my body preparing itself for labour but it's really exhausting at times, it's never painful- just exhausting. I find that walking brings them on unless I'm wandering around nice and slow.

The baby is lying quite low in my pelvis which can make sitting uncomfortable. If I've had a particularly uncomfortable day I just call it quits and read in bed. I don't get a sore back and now that the weather has cooled down a bit I don't get leg cramps or fluid retention. I've managed to keep up with my yoga routine and have plenty of energy, although I am feeling I need to rest more often now and I'm feeling my life just slow down a little- it's nice to just spend time relaxing and enjoying my baby. I still feel like I have plenty of space for my lungs and I make an effort to practice pranayama and deep breathing every day.

My belly is beautifully soft with all the coconut oil and cocoa butter I lavish it with daily. I made the most divine belly balm with equal parts coconut oil and cocoa butter with a few drops of grapefruit oil. My belly smells like a big jaffa when I use it.

My breasts can be quite leaky at times. I'm looking forward to nursing a little baby again.

The baby is very active these days, some days I get kicks in my liver which makes me jump. The baby is now gaining more weight than height- about 15g per day.

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