Thursday 18 April 2013

33 Weeks

Once every week or two lately I've been having a tired day. Yesterday was one of those. I couldn't get it together so I slept a lot. The good thing is that if I allow myself to soak in all that rest I'm full of energy again the next day. I'm happy that I am in a situation where I can just rest and enjoy being pregnant; pregnant women need to be nurtured, loved and supported so they can make a baby free from stress and deadlines.

I feel my yoga practice starting to turn towards a spiritual practice and away from the physical. I love the way that practising yoga makes my body feel physically so free and alive but lately I've been drawn more to pranayama and meditation. I try to keep my practice well rounded but often I find myself drawn to the physical over the spiritual so it feels nice now that my practice is starting to take a new direction and I know that in these last few weeks this is what I need to prepare myself for labour and birth.

I've been remembering the moments of seeing India for the first time. It was so overwhelmingly beautiful that I couldn't help but cry. I remember her big wide eyes looking at me and at her new world and her hands reaching for me as I held her close in my arms. I remember exploring all the beautiful parts of her body, her long dark hair, her beautiful eyes that held so much wisdom, her little fingers and her giant feet! All this was before we even thought to have a look if she was a boy or a girl. A smooth transition into the world is so important for mum and bub and is why I believe in avoiding all unnecessary intervention and birthing your baby in the comfort and relaxed surrounds of your own home. I can't wait to meet this little baby growing inside me, I can't wait for those beautiful first moments. Be careful what interventions you choose, know your rights and educate yourself on all the interventions you are likely to be offered because they more often than not lead to more interventions and less than perfect labours and birth. You can't get those first few moments back and those are the moments you won't ever forget so make wise decisions and be strong.

The baby weighs about 2kg now and is about 44cm from head to toe. I get lots of limbs poking me all over the place and I love giving the tiny feet a little rub when they poke out.

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