Monday 27 May 2013


Dave got food poisoning last Tuesday which meant that not only was he really sick and needed my support, I had to do all the running around and organising of the house and all the other little things. I thought about it and figured out that the reason I found it all so stressful was that at the moment my nesting instinct is on overdrive which meant that I was taking on twice the amount of work just to keep our home just the way I need it right now. The worry of going into labour and Dave not being well enough to be there also didn't help. After a few days in bed Dave recovered and we got to spend some time together over the weekend which was definitely something I needed to help me to feel calm again.
I was feeling back to normal again this morning (which is always a nice way to start the week). In retrospect, I should have turned to my yoga practice for guidance through my difficult week but with all the stress my daily yoga practice has been short and not very focused. I thought that today while enjoying a bit of alone time I should focus on a few inversions. The great thing about inversions is that they always make me feel good so it was the perfect fix I needed to start this week with positive energy.

Being pregnant I like to have a wall close by for support in case I'm feeling unsteady. It's also nice to use the wall as a tool in your practice. Backbends are quite intense for a pregnant woman and it is best not to go beyond what you are comfortable with (remember this is a time you need to care for and nurture your body). It's also a good idea to attempt inversions under the guidance of an experienced teacher, safety always comes first.

Remember that yoga and pregnancy are supposed to be fun so relax and do what makes you feel good.

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