My transition into motherhood the second time round has been relaxed, happy and easy. My baby is wonderfully chilled out and has been smiling lots and has even been laughing. She has started dribbling and has had a couple of unsettled moments which I suspect indicates the onset of teething. So much growing, so much changing.
Spring is here and with it has come beautiful warm sunny days which means I can get out of the house and relax in the park (and I've been doing this nearly every day). It's been so warm that Mio has even been able to get her little feet out and wear some more summery clothes. Growth and a change of season means that I need to get knitting (and crocheting, and sewing) so my girls both have some lovely things to wear through Spring.
My woven baby wrap finally came in the mail after an order mess up, it was well worth the wait though because it is gorgeous and soft and super supportive. Being a busy mumma in and out of the house all day with the school run and all the things to do around the house I probably carry Mio for 10 hours a day so it was a fantastic investment.
Carrying her on my back is definitely a favorite; at home it means I can get things done while still being close to each other.
Baby wearing has many benefits for both mum and bub. A baby's need to be touched, cuddled and held
is easily achieved when you wear your baby. A baby who has it's needs met is a happy baby. I also think that a mother has the need to be close to their baby as well and this way everyone can be happy and still get work done and make good food to eat all at the same time.